Gospodarka Materiałowa i Logistyka nr 9/2013
Publication date: 2013
Place publication: Warszawa
Binding: paperback
Gospodarka Materiałowa i Logistyka 9/2013
Spis treści:
Piotr Blaik
Koncepcje i metody badań kosztów logistyki oraz ich usytuowanie w skali światowej
Logistics costs research concepts and methods and their location within the world
The development of research and methodology for the identification and quantification of the level and structure of logistics costs and their determinants within the world is very important to recognize the status as well as the trends of development of logistics costs. As a result, it is possible to make rational decisions in the field of logistics processes management and contemporary logistics potential creation.
The article presents an overview and assessment of the current research on the diagnosis and quantification of the logistics costs in a global scale. Particular attention was paid to the categorization of the main dimensions of the used and developed research concepts, to the methodology and application of the research, and to the geographical location of the research undertaken and continued. Subsequently, the paper presents a comparison of the logistics costs level in several countries and their place within Logistics Performance Index (LPI) ranking, which is characterized by performance and “health” of the global logistics. The research results may confirm the hypothesis that the countries with the steadily growing interest in research and rationalization of logistics costs can reach a high position in the LPI ranking and vice versa. In the light of the issues outlined above the new emerging trends and challenges have been indicated.
Agnieszka Skowrońska
Makrologistyka jako czynnik rozwoju gospodarki światowej w warunkach kryzysu ekonomicznego
Macrologistics as a factor in the development of world economy in economic crisis
This article proposes that macrologistics is an important factor affecting the rate and dynamics of economic growth, as well as improvement of competitiveness of national economies, and therefore can also be considered as a factor facilitating recovery from economic crisis. To confirm this hypothesis, the article points to the interdependence between economy and logistics and research results of the World Bank concerning logistic effectiveness. The results clearly show that countries that are logistically more efficient have higher levels of economic growth, they become more competitive and increase the level of investment more quickly. In this study the author also attempts to locate, show and clarify the role of macrologistics as a factor supporting economic growth through the prism of selected economic theories and concepts.
Andrzej Wojcieszak
Struktura wiekowa samochodów osobowych a ryzyko wypadku drogowego w kontekście potrzeby recyklingu starych samochodów
The age structure of passengers cars and the risk of road accident in the context of the need to recycle the end-of-life vehicles
Traffic accidents are one of the greatest threats to civilization. Among them, the most numerous and resulting in the largest number of victims to road accidents. Generated medical and social costs are enormous. A large number of road accidents are caused by young, inexperienced drivers. This contributes significantly to the very low safety on Polish roads. The ever increasing scale of this phenomenon raises questions about the reasons for this state of affairs and the ways to tackle them.
Z praktyki przedsiębiorstw
Filip J. Kamiński
Współdzielenie łańcucha dostaw
Sharing supply chain
Sharing supply chain is a new concept in logistics which enables different suppliers to collaborate together by sharing by them their supply chains provided that they have common goods receivers. If different suppliers have common customers and make deliveries to them to the same warehouses it makes sense to make such a delivery together on one truck instead of sending 2 separate ones.
Collaboration in specific chains – mainly in the field of warehousing and distribution – drives to significant savings in logistics cost and enables better service for customers.
Sharing of supply chain process is not easy task – there are specific circumstances which must be strictly considered in order to make this process possible and efficient for both sides.
Nevertheless future of supply chains – especially in FMCG market requires from suppliers to take efforts to participate in this process and delivers significant benefits for all participants of shared supply chain.
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