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Mgr inż. Piotr Bawoł
ORCID: 0000-0003-3526-3989

A graduate of the Military Academy of Rocket and Artillery in Toruń, which he graduated in 1999 with the title of engineer of organization and management. In 2006, he obtained a master's degree in sociology of crisis management at the University of Social and Economic Sciences in Tyczyn. Since 2007, employed at the Military University of Technology (2008–2010 instructor-lecturer, 2010–2020 specialist and senior specialist in mobilization and combat readiness as well as organization and crisis management, from 2020 head of the military division). Coauthor of several articles on the basics of commanding troops and the security and defense policy of the European Union. Member of scientific and organizational committees, as well as an active participant in several national scientific conferences. Member of the Polish Maintenance Society.

DOI: 10.33226/1231-2037.2023.1.4
JEL: O01, O02, O03

The aim of the article is to indicate the difference between a publicly available forecasting indicator used in supplier planning and one created specifically for a given company. The authors based on the results of comparative research in the operation of chain stores, forecasting deliveries and their value with the use of various systems supporting the forecasting of product supply. A research hypothesis was adopted that reliable forecasts are crucial in improving order fulfillment and are an important factor influencing customer satisfaction and gaining a competitive advantage.

Keywords: forecasting; optimization; supply chains; planning; development