ESG Doctrine's impact on the chosen economies of Poland and India
Wpływ doktryny ESG na gospodarki Polski i Indii
The article aims to show the different impacts of the ESG Doctrine on the economies of Poland and India. It also aims at filling a research gap regarding the comparison of India and Poland in terms of the ESG Doctrine's impact on their economies, with analysing the accessible data and measures of the World Bank and the European Commission's documents. The choice of the countries results from the author's interest in Asian countries, especially India, and from the author's nationality, making Poland a natural choice. The main research method is the analysis of available studies on the ESG Doctrine, its origins and the planned geoeconomic impact on the global economy, especially on Poland and India. The article uses qualitative research methods: of studying literature and legal acts, of analysis and synthesis, the descriptive method, and the deductive inference. In conclusion, Polish investors perceive the ESG Doctrine as a concern – as an idea stemming from restrictive environmental politics from the European Commission side rather than a business-wise one, so they are not eager to sacrifice their profits to ESG. In the case of India, the recent regulations of SEBI regarding BRSR ESG reporting may occur unfeasible. An important finding is that the United Nations with BlackRock, through open cooperation with the European Commission, can influence the effects of implementing the ESG Doctrine worldwide. The values of the article are in the analysis, synthesis and systematics of issues related to the effects of the ESG Doctrine on the economies of Poland and India.
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