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Marketing i Rynek nr 12/2010

ISBN: 1231-7853
Liczba stron: 40
Rok wydania: 2010
Miejsce wydania: Warszawa
Oprawa: miękka
Cena artykułu
Wersja elektroniczna
Kup artykuł
Cena numeru czasopisma
Prenumerata roczna 2025 (12 kolejnych numerów)
960.00 zł
Najniższa cena z 30 dni: 672.00
960.00 zł
Najniższa cena z 30 dni: 672.00
Od numeru:
Prenumerata półroczna 2025 (6 kolejnych numerów)
480.00 zł
Najniższa cena z 30 dni: 378.00
480.00 zł
Najniższa cena z 30 dni: 378.00
Od numeru:
Marketing i Rynek nr 12/2010
Spis treści
Grażyna Aniszewska
CSR a kultura organizacyjna
CSR versus organizational culture
The implementation of CSR programs become a permanent part of management in contemporary business. For organizations it means an obligation  to incorporate social responsibility into the strategy, processes and structure, as also in the values and artifacts of organizational culture and competencies of employees. This is even more important that this process raises many dilemmas and resistance in the employees’ and managers’ behavior. The article shows some examples of the relationship between corporate social responsibility and organizational culture, both at the level of cultural values and concrete actions.
Stanisław Brzeziński
Kryzys a zachowania marketingowe podmiotów rynku
The crisis and marketing behavior of market entities
Global financial crisis, which began in first part of the year 2008, has shaken the standards, which were obligatory in the world economy. The article presents the steps undertaken to minimize the consequences of the crisis. Mergers and acquisition are described as significant mechanisms to fight the crisis. The role of state administrations in supporting pro-innovative activities of enterprises and their investments in human capital were introduced. Attention was brought also to the vast gap, which exists between Poland and highly developed countries in this field. Because of the imminent role of small and medium-sized companies in creating the Polish Gross Domestic Product, it is suggested to establish a central government organ (or governmental agency), supporting and coordinating activities within this SMEs sector.
Artur Olczak, Rita Sobczyk
Marka w sieci. Jak Internet może zniszczyć reputację marki
Brand in the cyberspace. How the Internet might damage brand reputation.
The article focuses on the brand abuse that occurs in the Internet. The aim is to prove that global network is not only a place, where companies can promote their brands, but it has also a dark side, which can damage the brand image. Online branding is a challenging marketing activity, which faces more and more threats from different sides. This paper describes the negative influence on brands from competitive companies, prosumers and the company itself. It presents popular methods of ruining brands, such as brandjacking and social-media attacks on brand reputation. Moreover, it includes the description of wrong actions, taken by companies in their efforts to maximize the online brand awareness.
Leszek Michalczyk
Wykorzystanie metod punktowych modeli oceny i AHP przy wprowadzaniu nowego produktu na rynek
The utilizing of the grading model and the AHP’ methods of a new product which is being introduced to the market
The article deals with the production and marketing decisions concerning the choice of one of the possible products introduced to the market by a company. It discusses the importance of particular criteria of decision making when it comes to introducing a new product to the market. In the article the following criteria of analysis were taken into account: the time spent on creating the model of a marketing product (i.e. a pattern, a recipe), of a production, a financial and a market elements. The analysis of the decision-makers’ preferences was carried out with the help of a chosen multi-criteria method: Analytic Hierarchy Process. The basis of the analysis in this article in one of the enterprises in administrative’ division into by Lesser-Poland province (Małopolska provinces) localized. The principles of analysis presented in this article are of utilitarian nature because of the possibility of a relatively easy way of implementing them in the work undertaken by the marketing departments or in the task marketing chosen for a given product, treating this article as an example.
Agnieszka Izabela Baruk
Etyka producentów żywności a ich postrzeganie przez nabywców finalnych
Ethics of food producers and their perceiving by customers
In the article the problem of non ethical activities of food producers and the influence of these activities on mentioned firms’ image was presented. On the base of the field empirical researches the respondents’ opinions about different non ethical activities of food producers were described. The special attention was paid to opinions about consequences for dishonest producers in the form of punishments. The comparison of image of Polish and foreign food producers was made too. It showed that Polish firms were perceived in worse light than their foreign competitors. At the end the respondents’ reactions on non ethical activities of producers were presented.
Tomasz Mika
Strategia wejścia przedsiębiorstw na rynki zagraniczne – przejęcia
Entry Strategy of Enterprises onto foreign markets – acquisitions
During the globalization era a rapid increase in capital availability especially with regard to various investment funds is observed. Competitiveness tensions gain momentum resulting in rivalry among entities fighting for market shares increases. Competition requires development of so called “control market”, dominated by (apart from mergers) acquisitions. Control transfer relate to economic activity of both the acquiree as well as the acquirer. Control market has become a common phenomenon in Poland.
Ewa Badzińska
Rola tworzenia więzi z młodymi konsumentami w kształtowaniu pozycji konkurencyjnej przedsiębiorstwa
The role of bonding with young consumers in shaping company’s competitive position
This paper attempts to point out forms of bonding with young consumers and shaping their loyal attitudes towards a given company. It remains research-analytical in character and contains results of the author's own studies regarding conditions for shaping the market behaviour of young consumers. Empirical research conducted by the author aimed at learning young people's market preferences and expectations before clothes brands and finding an answer to the following question: are young consumers eager to tie themselves to a single company, and if so, for what price?
Tomasz Brzęczek, Michał Kowalewski
Ocena efektywności funduszy polskich akcji i jej metody
Assessment of investment performance of mutual funds and its methods
Effectiveness performance of 10 mutual funds of polish shares was examined here with use of Sharpe’s, Treynor’s and Jensen’s ratios. Ratios turned out to be strongly correlated. One ratio is enough to assess funds within the same class of risk. Analysis of risk-income relation stays the general method of looking for market effective funds. Ratio should assist in making effectiveness order.
Ewa Zysnarska
Społecznie odpowiedzialny biznes wyzwaniem dla negocjacji
Corporate social responsibility as a challenge for negotiations
Market conditions more and more often impose the necessity to apply various tools of Corporate Social Responsibility. Socially responsible business is most often associated with observance of ethical standards. The awareness of Polish managers and students in this respect has recently grown. Corporate Social Responsibility is becoming a challenge for negotiations. The paper focuses on negotiations in opinion of students.
Dan Ophir
Jak konkurować w marketingu i na rynku zbytu?
How to compete in the marketing and in the market?
General methodology looking for an optimal solution in multi-parametrical problems arising in the current reality, is being demonstrated esspecialy starting on the marketing and continuing on the market. The amentioned above metodology is supported by definined special purpose CAD software package implementing that Discussion/Decision treatement.
Barbara Kozłowska
Rozszerzona odpowiedzialność producenta jako wyzwanie dla przedsiębiorstw w XXI wieku
Extended producer responsibility as a challenge for companies in the XXI century
The development of electrical and electronics industries in addition to tangible benefits for both producers and users brings with it a threat to the environment. In article is shown comparison of the thirteen manufacturers of electrical and electronic equipment where there were taken into account the following: withdrawing of harmful substances, offered environmentally-friendly products and implementation of electrical and electronic Equipment waste collection.
Elżbieta Skąpska
Prokonsumencka orientacja polskich przedsiębiorstw usługowych
Pro-consumer orientation of Polish service companies
Companies' market share reflects their effectiveness in comparison with competition. An indispensable component of a service company business is market research, which facilitates probing into current needs of service receivers. The aim of this article is pointing out the main directions of company business activity with respect to a client as the capital.
Eulalia Skawińska
Instytucjonalne warunki współpracy między nauką i przemysłem dla wzrostu innowacyjności w Polsce
Institutional conditions for cooperation between industry and science for the rise in the innovativeness of economy in Poland
The aim of the present paper is to analyze the institutional conditions for cooperation between industry and science in Poland regarding the rise in the innovativeness of economy. To achieve this aim initially the author presented the concept of institutions and their division. Then, on the basis of related literature and general statistical data as well as her own experiments using the SWOT analysis she conducted an assessment of institutions within the sphere of science regarding the ability to cooperate with industry. Subsequently she conducted an assessment of industry regarding its ability to cooperate with science. The outcome pointed to the necessity of improving formal institutions. Assuming an increase in their quality the author presented the new model of cooperation between science and industry based on direct and indirect relations.
Romuald I. Zalewski
Czy nowe metody generowania innowacji ożywią współpracę nauka–przemysł?
Will new trends in innovation’ creation improve cooperation science – industry?
Cooperation and collaboration between science, research & development and industry in Poland for generating innovations for long time is not sufficient. Entities which fulfill reports GUS PNT-02 declare “no- or little significance” of universities, research & development institutes, Polish Academy of Sciences establishments, scientific or technical societies as a sources of innovations. This barrier is hindering innovative activity. In this article several solutions were proposed which can built trust, mood and overcome mistrust or threats.
Ewa Polak
Tendencje zmian struktury dochodów w warunkach współczesnej gospodarki globalnej
The influence of globalization changing income structure
One of the tendencies observed in the contemporary world is growing social-economic stratification. Income differentials among particular labour market segments and in different social sections grow. It is not only an autonomous phenomenon, resulting from various attitudes, life strategies, capacities and determination of particular individuals, but to a large extent is a result of distributive globalization – economy liberalization and privatization, state function deregulations, commodity-service and capital flow, technological progress, a growing role of education and an increasing global competition pressure.
Victor Shevchuk
Oddziaływanie składników bilansu budżetowego na rozwój gospodarek krajów Europy Centralnej i Wschodniej
Income determinants of budget balance in the Central and East European countries
Empirical results for a pooled data sample of ten CEE countries over the period from 1990 until 2008 reveal that the budget balance is positively correlated with domestic and foreign output growth rates, inflation and currency devaluation, while higher domestic and international interest rates have an opposite effect. A high level of budget inertia suggests a slow recovery of fiscal balances in the aftermath of the 2008 world financial crisis.
Ewa Lechman, Magdalena Olczyk
Wzrost gospodarczy a rola przemysłów niskiej, średniej i wysokiej technologii
Economic growth and role of medium- and low-tech industries versus high-tech industries
In literature we can meet with the thesis that the production of high-technology sector is the engine of growth of production, employment and productivity in many countries. Therefore, in the longer term in these economies should be expected structural changes involving the growing role of high-tech industries and simultaneously the decreasing role of the sector of low and medium low technology. The authors analyzed the changes in manufacturing in 21 selected OECD countries in the years 1996–2007, by verification the theses above. The authors found a very slow rate of structural change in manufacturing of countries analyzed. This indicates that the sector of small and medium-low technology is still responsible for a majority of the increase in the volume of production, employment and productivity in the industrial sector. Also, the authors found no statistically significant association between a high proportion high-tech sector in the creation of value-added and high levels of GDP per capita.
Ewa Bojar, Małgorzata Kwietniewska-Sobstyl
Wsparcie rozwoju klastrów na świecie
Development of cluster-based policies in the world
Diverse world practices concerning development of cluster-based policies and innovation policies may be used as guidelines for those countries that have not developed their own CBP or innovation policy implementation model. However, one should remember that there is not such thing as one, proven and universal model of improving competitiveness of economies through stimulation of clustering processes.
Agata Pradela
Koncepcja badań dla opracowania założeń tworzenia inicjatyw klastrowych w systemie oświaty
The concept of researches on guidelines and considerations of cluster initiatives in education
The paper presents the concept of researches on guidelines and considerations of cluster initiatives in education. Presented concept is based on researches among educational and labour market institutions. The paper presents the idea of cluster in education on the basis of theoretical aspects. The researches will provide complete information to create cluster initiative in vocational education to implement innovations and to adapt education system on the level of secondary schools to labour market requirements.
Marcin Soniewicki
Wpływ międzynarodowych kontaktów Polaków na gospodarkę kraju
International contacts of the Polish society and their potential influence on the country’s economy
This paper analyzes attitudes of Polish people to the international social and business contacts. Research indicates that citizens of Poland, in comparison to other Central European countries are less willing to hold international personal and business contacts. These results were confronted with Mark Granovetter’s theory concerning strong and weak ties. Article concludes that Polish people due to limited international contacts lose access to potential valuable information and knowledge.
Wacław Jarmołowicz, Magdalena Knapińska
Popyt na pracę w Polsce i w Unii Europejskiej
Labor demand in Poland and the European Union
The aim of this paper is to present, analyze and evaluate changes on the labor market in Poland and in the European Union. In the paper we have presented only one side of this market: labor demand. The presentation and analysis of data have been an attempt to compare the functioning of this market in Poland and in the European Union. The results of the analyses imply that the studied countries and areas still remain very diverse regarding the formation of the situation on their labor markets.
Eric Ambukita
Napływ BIZ do Polski i jego oddziaływanie na rynek pracy
The inflow of foreign direct investment to Poland and its impact on the labor market
The paper concentrates on the inflow of foreign direct investment (FDI) to Poland in the context of its impact on the labor market. The purpose of this study is to identify changes in the value of FDI inflow to Poland and the number of employees in companies with foreign capital, as well as an attempt to answer the question whether FDI in the Polish economy, lead to the creation of new jobs or the reduction of employment
Aldona Andrzejczak
Praktyka pomiaru efektów zarządzania zasobami ludzkimi
The practice of measurement the human resources management results
The aim of this paper is to present the evolving approach to assessing HR results. The first part presents the economic context of HRM. In the second part three groups of methods for measuring the effects of HRM are presented. Last part is devoted to the practices of HRM measurement in 38 Polish companies and presents their general approach to the measurement of HR results.
Ewa Rollnik-Sadowska
Przedsiębiorczość kobiet w województwie podlaskim
Entrepreneurship of women in the Podlaskie province
The results of primary research, which were curried among women – entrepreneurs from the Podlaskie province are presented in the above article. In 2007 there were conducted 448 questionnaire  interviews among female owners of companies run as private entities. In the publication was introduced the characteristic of the businesswoman from the Podlaskie province by the social and demographic features and respected life values. The specificity of their companies was also determined in the article.
Zofia Tomczonek
Kryzysy gospodarcze i ich przyczyny
Economic crises and their causes
The economic crises destroyed existing status quo, and the deeper recession, the greater the possibility of changes inside political  and economic system. All crises are characterized by one fact- they finish. However, after the end of crises, the world is facing further challenges. Solution of one problems does not mean that others are also solved.
Eliza Freitag-Mika
Fundamentalizm rynkowy a preferencje pobudzania popytu w warunkach kryzysu
Market fundamentalism and demand stimulation preferences in crisis conditions
The global financial and economic crisis has made theoretical disputes concerning rationality of the proposed exit strategies from the crisis more strident. Supporters of Post- and Neo-Keynesian approach, who cannot feel but satisfied that wide-ranging state intervention in the economy is approved in the face of the crisis; monetarists, who maintain that market mechanisms will restore equilibrium by matching supply of and demand for money.
Agnieszka Piekutowska
Kryzys gospodarczy jako czynnik zróżnicowania rozwojowego
Economic crisis as a factor of development's diversification
There are different factors which conditioned the difficult economic situation in the developing countries and thus brought about the development diversity of the contemporary world economy. These factors are both of internal and external nature. More and more attention is paid to the role of the external environment in the development possibilities of poorer countries. Therefore, the globalization processes result in the fact that not only growth impulses but also recession ones move within the world economy.
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