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DOI: 10.33226/0137-5490.2023.6.4
JEL: K22

Contract law as an instrument to support the environmental protection. An outline of the problem

The purpose of this article is to determine to what extent contract law can be used by the legislator as an instrument to support environmental protection. As a part of civil law, contract law – as a rule – only regulates the rights and obligations of the parties to a legal relationship. However, there is a tendency to use civil law (including contract law) instrumentally for the realisation of public values. The author points to existing contract law norms that may have an impact on the state of the environment. Consumer contract law provides the most examples in this respect. Especially in recent years, consumer protection acts issued by the European Union have taken greater account of the need to support sustainable consumption and environmental protection. This includes the regulation of seller's liability for non-conformity of goods, the placing of information obligations on traders relating to the environmental aspects of the goods and services offered, and the promotion of sustainable transport by enhancing passenger rights and thus promoting collective transport. To a lesser extent, the idea of promoting environmental protection is taken into account in non-consumer contract law. In business dealings, however, there is a noticeable practice of including so-called green clauses in the content of contracts to make the performance of the contract as environmentally friendly as possible.

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Keywords: contract law; contract; sustainability; consumer protection; environmental protection





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Akty prawne/Legal Acts

Dyrektywa Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady 2011/83/UE z 25.10.2011 r. w sprawie praw konsumentów, zmieniająca dyrektywę Rady 93/13/EWG i dyrektywę 1999/44/WE Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady oraz uchylająca dyrektywę Rady 85/577/EWG i dyrektywę 97/7/WE Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady (Dz.Urz. UE L 304 z 22.11.2011, s. 64–88 ze zm.).

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Rozporządzenie Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady (UE) 2021/782 z 29.04.2021 r. dotyczące praw i obowiązków pasażerów w ruchu kolejowym (Dz.Urz. UE L 172 z 17.05.2021, s. 1–52).

Ustawa z 30.05.2014 r. o prawach konsumenta (tekst jedn. Dz.U. z 2020 r., poz. 287 z późn. zm.).

Ustawa z 11.09.2019 r. – Prawo zamówień publicznych (t.j. Dz.U. z 2022 r., poz. 1710 z późn. zm.).


Strony internetowe/Webstites (16.03.2023) (16.03.2023) (16.03.2023)


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