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DOI: 10.33226/0137-5490.2023.6.1
JEL: G21, H53, H54, H76, H81

Legal construct of "financial support" for local government units and their associations building technical and social infrastructure related to housing projects

The execution of infrastructural projects necessary for the implementation of housing investments by local government units (LGUs) may be co-financed from the Subsidy Fund administered by Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego. Several changes to the legislation, initiated from 1 April 2021, are intended to create conditions for intensifying the activities of local government units in the area of municipal housing construction. One of the used support instruments is to co-finance part of the costs of technical and social infrastructure related to housing construction. The aim of the article is to analyze and evaluate the legal regulations defining the legal status and the rules for providing such support. The established lack of specific results from the two-year period of application of the provisions of the amended Act on financial support for certain housing projects justified the negative verification of the hypothesis about the useful impact of the new legal regulations on the increased interest in local government units' execution of infrastructural projects that accompanied housing investments. The study uses the dogmatic and legal method, supplemented by an analysis of the achievements of the doctrine and jurisprudence, as well as announcements of BGK on the support provided from the Subsidy Fund.

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Keywords: local government; housing construction; Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego; co-financing; Subsidy Fund



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