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DOI: 10.33226/0137-5490.2020.9.7
JEL: K22

Criteria for assessing the validity of the contractual penalty determined using measures of value other than the specified sum — Commentary on the judgement of the Supreme Court dated 3 October 2019 (I CSK 280/18)

The commentary concerns a significant judgment of the Supreme Court, which specifies the criteria for assessing the validity of the contractual penalties, the amount of which has been expressed using measures of value other than the specified sum. The views of the Supreme Court both as regards the definition of the aforementioned criteria and the inadmissibility of reserving contractual penalties in a non-pecuniary form in the Polish legal system deserve full approval. The commentary presents additional argumentation resulting from the functional, systemic and comparative interpretation of law supporting the views expressed by the Supreme Court as well as the impact of the commented judgment on contractual practice.

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Keywords: contractual penalty; specified sum of contractual penalty; penalty in pecuniary form



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