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DOI: 10.33226/0137-5490.2022.9.1
JEL: G21, H81, K39

Modification of the legal structure of aid granted from the Borrowers Support Fund — findings after six years of its operation

The Borrower Support Fund (FWK) was established by law in 2015 and its operation was entrusted to the Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego. The sources of its income are obligatory payments made by banks. The assistance provided by the FWK may consist in periodical support for the borrower in repayment of housing loan installments or in granting a one-off loan to repay the debt. The annual use of the FWK's resources so far has been very low and has not exceeded 6% of the allocated funds. Amendments to the Act, made from January 1, 2020, consist in extending the subjective and objective scope of aid addressed to borrowers, as well as increasing its limits and extending the period of granting aid. The possibility of canceling a part of the granted aid was also introduced. The hypothesis of the legislator's anticipated interference in the legal mechanism of assistance provided from the FWK was verified. It has been shown that the changes made in the legal structure of this aid may be useful in connection with the persistent negative phenomena on the housing loan market, in particular those related to the growing costs of their repayment by borrowers. The summary of these considerations emphasizes the probability of the risk of losing the ability to repay loans on time, which is primarily determined by high inflation and an increase in interest rates resulting from the decision of the Monetary Policy Council. This affects the amount of the WIBOR rate included in the variable interest rate on housing loans.

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Keywords: banks; housing loan; Borrowers Support Fund; arrears in repayment; financial assistance





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