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DOI: 10.33226/0137-5490.2022.5.4
JEL: K32

Promoting energy from renewable sources as an example of the need for cooperation between law and innovative technologies

The aim of the article is to show the links between technological development and innovation and climate protection law on the example of promoting energy from RES. Technological development and innovations influence on the need to look for new regulations of climate protection by the lawmaker which enable the evolution of the instruments of climate protection law and achievement of the goals of promoting energy from RES more effectively. On the other hand, legal regulations may at least indirectly affect the technological development and innovation. In view of the tightening of the EU climate policy in order to meet the requirements of achieving a certain share of energy from RES in the final energy consumption, the challenge for the Polish legislator will be to ensure the economic efficiency of investments in installations involving two or more plants generating energy from RES and the implementation of electric energy storage technologies.

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Keywords: renewable energy sources; power system; climate policy



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