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Journal of Business Law 02/2024

ISSN: 1231-7853
Pages: 56
Publication date: 2024
Place publication: Warszawa
Binding: paperback
Format: A4
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DOI: 10.33226/1231-7853.2024.2.1
JEL: Q01, Z13, Z33

The purpose of the article is to study the influence of the sense of local identity among young generation of Poles on their attitudes towards tourists, which shapes the product in the context of sustainable tourism. The authors try to solve the research problem of whether the local identity of the young generation of Poles influences their attitudes towards tourists, and whether attitudes influence the tourism product, taking into account differences in the size of the place of residence. The original approach is to study the local identity of Generation Z by residents of large cities, small towns and villages. A qualitative empirical study was conducted using the focus group interview method (focus survey) with the place attachment scale modified for the article. The research resulted in demonstration of positive impact of a strong sense of local identity on the formation of a tourism product. The research yielded new information indicating that young people have a sense of local identity and are attached to their place of residence, without any relation to the type (or size) of residence. It was observed that in smaller centres (towns and villages) young people have positive attitude towards tourists. In cities, the attitude of local population can be described as indifferent, from which the conclusion follows that the phenomenon of overtourism has not been noticed. The relationship between local identity and the sustainable tourism product demonstrated in the article indicates the need to take into account the characteristics of the local population that are not related to tourism, but affect the attractiveness of the tourism product. The role of the local community and its attitude toward tourists in shaping a sustainable tourism product is confirmed.

Keywords: local identity; tourism product; generation Z; sustainable tourism
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DOI: 10.33226/1231-7853.2024.2.2
JEL: M31, M37, L14

For several decades, the ideas of corporate social and environmental responsibility and the principles of sustainable development have been developed and promoted. The ecological awareness of societies is growing as well as the pressure of various groups of stakeholders who expect companies to operate in an environment-friendly, climate-friendly manner, for the sake of local communities and society. In order to meet these trends and requirements, enterprises undertake various CSR activities, also using green marketing tools. On the one hand, it is an opportunity to win the favor of eco-consumers and other groups of stakeholders who value a healthy environment and building the so-called green reputation. On the other hand, it is a threat to reputation in the case of committing certain abuses and manipulations, referred to as greenwashing. The decisive factor for the final effect is the manner and scope of using the principles of green marketing. The aim of the article is to indicate the effects of improper use of green marketing tools, which may lead to the generation of another threat to the company's reputation, called green reputation risk. The first part of the article discusses the use of green marketing as a tool for building the desired green reputation of the company. The second part presents the essence and specificity of the so-called green reputational risk as a result of greenwashing practices. The summary identifies ways to limit these practices and avoid potential sources of green risk.

Keywords: green marketing; corporate reputation; greenwashing; green reputation risk
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DOI: 10.33226/1231-7853.2024.2.3
JEL: M3, L21, L22

The development of the public transport process is important from the perspective of building smart cities, and in particular intelligent transport (smart mobility). Passenger demand for services influences long-term planning and short-term activities in the field of public transport control using modern technological solutions, including Industry 4.0. The article presents the concept of the public transport process during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Warsaw metropolis. Analyses regarding the implementation of the public transport process were presented, along with the perspective of moving towards smart mobility.

Keywords: smart city; smart transport; public transport; passenger transport process; COVID-19
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DOI: 10.33226/1231-7853.2024.2.4
JEL: G, G1, G17

Chaos theory as an innovative research tool makes it possible to capture non-linear and complex relationships between various phenomena occurring in economic processes. Thanks to the use of chaotic analysis, researchers can examine these relationships in more detail, as well as anticipate possible changes and fluctuations that may affect business processes. At the same time, it is worth noting that chaos theory is not a universal tool and requires specialist knowledge and the ability to apply it. Despite this, more and more researchers are starting to use chaos theory in their work, which may contribute to new discoveries and a better understanding of economic processes. As a result, the application of chaos theory can help companies to plan and make better decisions, which in turn can contribute to increased competitiveness and economic growth. The aim of the publication is to show how chaos theory can be a useful and valuable research tool in today's dynamic and complex economic processes.

Keywords: chaos theory; economic process; financial markets
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DOI: 10.33226/1231-7853.2024.2.5
JEL: M31, M37, Z1

The development of modern technologies and the increasing significance they have in consumers' lives mean that they play a growing role in marketing and communication activities. The author of this article is particularly interested in the public sphere and the utilization of e-marketing opportunities, especially content marketing as an information carrier, in communication with audiences/stakeholders, and consequently, in building a positive institutional image. The goal of the article is to demonstrate the potential of content marketing as a tool for creatively leveraging the substantive resources of organizations in communication strategies for public institutions. Utilizing the potential inherent in content marketing is all the more crucial and promising, given that entities in the public sector (including cultural institutions) have limited budgets for promotion and advertising. Hence, there is a need to explore alternative forms of building relationships with the audience.

Keywords: e-marketing; content marketing; cultural institutions; public sector; Poland
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