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DOI: 10.33226/1231-7853.2023.7.2
JEL: A14, D19

The level of needs fulfillment realized in leisure by Poles compared to the period before the COVID-19 pandemic

This article contains an assessment of the extent to which the needs realized in leisure by Polish consumers are met, compared to the period before the COVID-19 pandemic. It was written using secondary information on the issues discussed and primary information obtained during a survey conducted in November 2022, using the online survey technique, on a nationwide sample of 1,100 adult Poles. The research shows that the respondents' needs related to recreation, participation in culture, physical activity, the possibility of spending time with friends are satisfied to an average degree, and a high degree the needs related to the possibility of spending time with family are satisfied. Compared to the period before the pandemic, the degree of satisfaction of leisure needs remained at the same level.

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Keywords: leisure; needs; consumers; COVID-19




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