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4th industrial revolution, labor and procedural labor law 4.0

This article aims to analyze the correlation between the 4th Industrial Revolution, Labor Law 4.0 and  procedural Labor Law 4.0, performing a historiography of the work, as well as demonstrating how this new revolution on work and workers is causing real and significant structural shocks, both in Material Law and in Labor Procedural Law. For the elaboration of this article, the deductive method was used, from a qualitative perspective, from the bibliographic research.

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Keywords: Labor Law 4.0; Procedural Labor Law 4.0; 4th Industrial Revolution



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Rocha, Claudio Jannotti da; ABAURRE, Helena Emerick; PORTO Lorena Vasconcelos (2020). O Mundo do Trabalho e a 4a Revolucao Industrial — Direito Coletivo do Trabalho e a 4a Revolucao Industrial. V. 2. Sao Paulo: Tirant lo Blanch.

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