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DOI: 10.33226/0032-6186.2021.10.4
JEL: K31

A few comments on the interpretation of the Article 2418 of the Polish Labour Code

The article concerns the determination of the legal status of employees taken over by a new employer pursuant to the Article 231 of the Polish Labour Code in a situation where before the takeover they were covered by a collective labour agreement. Two basic issues were discussed in the article. The first is the differentiation of the legal situation of the transferred employees in relation to the situation of the employees of the acquiring employer. The second is the relationship between the content of the collective labour agreement and the content of the employment contract. The latter issue is crucial in determining whether the legal position of the aforementioned employees is equalized by operation of law with the passage of time, or whether it requires additional legal action by the employer.

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Keywords: collective labour agreement; work regulations; remuneration regulations; employment contract; employment relationship; working time and remuneration for work; termination notice changing the conditions of work and remuneration; transfer of the workplace



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