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An explicit right of the worker to remove himself from algorithmic danger to his life or health

In June 2025, the General Conference of the ILO will hold the first discussion on the issue of adopting a Convention or a Recommendation relating to platform work, and within this also on the issue of whether and how to regulate expressis verbis the right of the worker, including self-employed worker, to remove himself from danger to his life or health. Due to the fact that the platform branch constitutes one of the significant areas of the phenomenon of algorithmic management of work, in particular using artificial intelligence, the above travaux préparatoires of the ILO gives important incentive to consider the more general issue of whether and how an explicit right of the worker to remove himself from algorithmic danger is to be regulated by global, regional and national legislators.


Keywords: worker (including self-employed worker); explicit right; implicit right; right of the worker to remove himself from danger to his life or health at work (right of the worker to refuse unsafe work); algorithmic management



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