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Commentary on the judgment of the Polish Supreme Court of September 20, 2023, II PSKP 30/22

The subject of the commentary is the issue of the correctness of the Polish Supreme Court's judgment of September 20, 2023, 20/09/2023, II PSKP 30/22, in the light of the following groups of issues that emerge while reading it: the difference between the objective correction of the employee's action and the objective change of his action; abuse of the labour law procedural entitlement by the defendant employer; characteristics of an employee's appeal against the employer's unilateral declaration of termination (declaration of expiry) of the employment relationship; abuse of the substantive labour law entitlement by the plaintiff employee and the limitation or prescription of this entitlement.

Keywords: labour law case; an action of an employee and its objective correction/change; abuse of the right; limitation period and prescription period



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