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DOI: 10.33226/0032-6186.2021.12.2
JEL: K31

Discrimination on the basis of some parental rights. New tasks for the legislative bodies in the light of Directive 2019/1158

The article concerns the problems of implementing Directive 2019/1158, the provisions of which will have to be reflected in Polish labour regulations already in August 2022. It is not only about the obligatory extension of some leaves for the other parent, but also about introducing a new discriminatory basis and reformulating the existing provisions on parental rights. It is also worth noting that Directive 2019/1158 extends the sphere of care over dependent or temporarily dependent persons other than children.

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Keywords: : labour law; European law; carers; employment of women; working parents; benefits; Directive 2019/1158; work-life-balance



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