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DOI: 10.33226/0032-6186.2021.4.1
JEL: I140, K31, K32

For the unification of the research on the provision of Article 210 para. 5 of the Polish Labour Code and other exclusive legal regulations similar to it

"Aporia" is definied as the problem which, despite of the correct reasoning, it is hard to solve at current state of knowledge. Does it really have to be characterized by a very high aporeticy (in the light of contemporary legal culture) a dilemma emerging under Article 210 para. 5 of the Polish Labour Code (LC)? This legal provision excludes, in relations to the category of the employee indicated in it, an application of the provisions Article 210(1) and Article 210(2) of the LC, which relate to the right of the worker to remove himself from. among other things, existing to this employee danger for life or health at work. This question appears also within the confines the other regulations, presented as a examples in this article, in which legislator as well makes analogous "legal exclusion" (subjective exclusion or rather subjective-objective exclusion). Maybe, valuable and lasting effects can be achieved by an attempt to provide scientific, unified, non-casuistic approach to relevant issues,according to a common general standard, in relation to every category of the workers, not only to employees, and in relation not only to "rescuing" indicated in Article 210(5) of the LC, but also to other work designated to the protection of the specific legal goods, and valued equally high.

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Keywords: the right of the worker to remove himself from danger to his life or health at work; exclusive/inclusive legal provisions and interpretation; in relation to the right to remove himself from danger



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