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DOI: 10.33226/0032-6186.2021.7.4
Tomasz Smoliński ORCID: 0000-0002-3540-3200 , e-mail: tomaszsmol|| |tomaszsmol|
Magdalena Tyska ORCID: 0000-0002-8600-9975 , e-mail: magdalena.tyska|| |magdalena.tyska|

Implementation of the judgment of the Constitutional Tribunal on the old-age pension of people born in 1953

The subject of the article is an analysis of the legal situation of people born in 1953 (especially women) who took advantage of the possibility of early retirement (after submitting the application before 2013), through the prism of the judgment of the Constitutional Tribunal of March 6, 2019 (file ref. No. P 20/16). The controversy resolved by the Constitutional Tribunal concerned the legitimacy of reducing the new old-age pension after the end of the statutory retirement age by de facto early retirement benefits already received. The aforementioned judgment changed in favor of the insured the method of calculating the new old-age pension after reaching the general age. Nevertheless, on this level, doubts and discrepancies arose as to the attitudes and legitimacy of revoking decisions based on unconstitutional provisions in the field of social insurance. The article discusses possible solutions that could be taken by the insured born in 1953 until unfavorable retirement decisions were eliminated from the legal system in accordance with the jurisprudence of the Constitutional Tribunal. Moreover, the solutions introduced in the Pension Act, which comply with the aforementioned judgment of the Tribunal, were indicated.

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Keywords: emerytura powszechna; emerytura „wcześniejsza”; ubezpieczeni urodzeni w 1953 roku; wyrok Trybunału Konstytucyjnego; niekonstytucyjność przepisów



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