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DOI: 10.33226/0032-6186.2022.2.1

Social issues in Poland in the era of neo-nationalism

The paper discusses the neo-nationalism and its impact on social policy and labour law in Poland. The first part desribes the concept of new nationalism and its relationship with social law and social policy. The second specifies which elements of the ruling party's program are in line with the new nationalism. The third explores the reasons behind the resonance of populist and nationalist views in Poland. The fourth and fifth sections describe three major social reforms introduced under the banner of neo-nationalism and areas of inequality left untouched by the ruling parties. My key argument here is that the purpose of the post-2015 social policy reforms in general, and those in the realm of family policy in particular, is to legitimise the government. The reforms are not intended to address systematic labour market problems and social policy challenges. They are designed to be impressive rather than effective. The focus is on quick gambits with big immediate political payoff among the sectors of the society that have the power to sway the vote.

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Keywords: neo-nationalism; populism; Family 500+ program; labour market reforms



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