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Nomadicity in the digital era of work – impact on the concept of place and time of work

The concept of the workplace and working time is considered to be crucial for establishing the existence of an employment relationship, although in the nomadic model is equally crucial to deprive work of attachment to a place and blur time boundaries – so as to adjust it to individual preferences. This undoubtedly also has consequences for the element of subordination, especially with its construction adopted in Poland, because those one of the most important spheres of power of the employer – place and time – are almost eliminated in the nomadic model. The nomadic model is proliferating thanks to the ubiquity of personal digital technologies and information infrastructures coupled with changing work norms. This model and less radical models of work performed by means of distance communication certainly do not determine the direction of employment law development, but their context prompts reflection in what direction labor law should go and what is the area of research that should be undertaken, so to shape the labor law system in a way that meets the needs of business.

Keywords: employment relations; digital era; working time; workplace; subordination; nomadism; digital nomads; future of employment law; obvious cathegories


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