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DOI: 10.33226/0032-6186.2022.4.2
JEL: M51
Anna Brzosko ORCID: 0000-0002-0187-4098 , e-mail: abrzosko|| |abrzosko|

Perception of discrimination in the assessment by employees with disabilities and their superiors

Publications on people with disabilities are mainly devoted to the situation of contact between a person and an organization. Aspects of recruitment, selection and physical adaptation to the workplace are widely discussed. Most of the research is conducted from the point of view of non-disabled people, who need to adapt to accepting people with disabilities in organizations and collaborating with them. However, few literature items are devoted to the assessment of employees with disabilities. The author ask whether people with disabilities and their direct superiors perceive employee assessment in a similar way? What criteria are taken into account when assessing the performance of disabled employees and their non-disabled colleagues? What attitudes towards work are promoted by superiors? The article presents the results of the analysis of the questionnaire survey of employees with disabilities (92 people) and their direct superiors (50 people) employed in open labour market enterprises. The results indicate some discrepancies in the perception of employee assessment of people with disabilities by both groups.

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Keywords: disability; disabled workers; disability management; assessment


Keywords: disability, disabled workers, disability management, assessment


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