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Employee's "right to appeal" (Article 30 para. 5 of the Polish Labour Code) as a meta-entitlement of substantive labour law: a proposal for a new conceptualization of an old interpretation problem

The Author presents (in the context of considerations on the connection and distinction between of substantive labour law and procedural labour law) the proposal of the approach to the legal nature of the employee's right to appeal against the employer's acts aimed at terminating the employment relationship that is different than up to now in Polish literaturę and Polish judicature. According to the Author, this employee’s right to appeal should be perceived not as a legal phenomenon from the sphere of procedural labour law, but as a legal phenomenon from the sphere of substantive labour law, having the character of a specific meta-right (meta-entitlement). Such a categorization is important not only for ”law in books”, but also for ”law in action”, giving greater legal protection to the employee.


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Keywords: substantive labour law; procedural labour law; meta-right (meta-entlitlement); employer's acts aimed at terminating the employment relationship; employee's right to appeal



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