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DOI: 10.33226/0032-6186.2020.6.1
Tomasz Giaro ORCID: 0000-0002-5702-613 , e-mail: giaro|| |giaro|

Process of legal differentiation and the origin of labour law

Differentiation in social life and differentiation in law mutually enhance their positive feedback in the proces of legal development. The codification of private law at the beginning of 19th century seemed at first sight to warrant the triumph of law equal to all subjects. However, after a century and a half, we find the subjects of such a trivial contract as sale differentiated according to their status of a consumer or a business. Following such a logic of differentiation, at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries emerged in the legal system the new branch of labour law. In this respect Leon Petrażycki (1867–1931) made a radical distinction between employer and employee whose loan claim, which covers existential needs of him and his family, fundamentally differs from any standard claim of private law, e.g. on behalf of purchase or hire.

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Keywords: differentiation; codification and decodification; from status to contract; Leon Petrażycki



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Labour and Social Security Journal 6/2020
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