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DOI: 10.33226/0032-6186.2020.11.1
JEL: K31

Remote work de lege lata and de lege ferenda — modification of place of work performance or new concept of an employment relationship? Part 2

Part 2 of the elaboration is dedicated to the perspectives of introducing provisions on remote work into the Labour Code. Author argues that de lege ferenda the essence of remote work is work performance at home, i.e. in private sphere of an employee. In his opinion, from theoretical perspective, work at the establishment and work at home may become equivalent options of an employment relationship. Therefore, it is appropriate to reconsider the concept of an employment relationship, and to amend Article 22 LC and 29 LC, in order to take into account the nature of remote work. The admissibility of work performance at home should become an essential component of an employment relationship. Author is of the opinion that the material scope of application of remote work should be broad. Under the Labour Code, employer and employee should enjoy a broad margin of discretion on determining the conditions of remote work performance. Part 1 of the elaboration, published in the previous PiZS issue, was dedicated to the analysis of remote work de lege lata under the Law of 2nd March 2020 on special solutions related to prevention of, countervailing and combating COVID-19, other infectious diseases and crisis situations caused by them. Author introduced the provisions on remote work, and their subsequent amendments. He analysed the employer's competences to introduce remote work, the conditions of its performance, material scope of application, and also rights and duties of the parties to the employment relationship.

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Keywords: employment relationship; remote work; COVID-19; Anti-Crisis Shield; telework; work in cottage industry



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