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Sexual harassment in the jurisdiction of the Polish courts

Cases related to sexual harassment are among the least frequently reported, despite the regulations that have been in force for many years which enable the victims to claim damages on this ground. The analysis of the Polish courts' decisions shows, however, that sexual harassment occurs in other cases — e.g. concerning unjustified termination of an employment contract, reinstatement or mobbing. The author reconstructs the ways sexual harassment is perceived and assessed by the Polish courts, as well as the reactions of employers and the environment of people who suffered from this form of sexual violence.

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Keywords: sexual harassment; mobbing; equal treatment rule; burden of proof; jurisdiction



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Hołyst, B. (2004). Patologia w miejscu pracy: mobbing i molestowanie seksualne. Prokuratura i Prawo, (1), 7–30.

Maniewska, E. (2022). W: K. Jaśkowski i E. Maniewska, Komentarz aktualizowany do Kodeksu pracy. LEX/el.

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