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DOI: 10.33226/0032-6186.2021.2.2
JEL: H75
Ryszard Necel ORCID: 0000-0001-6709-0862 , e-mail: necel|| |necel|

Social welfare institutions in response to the COVID-19 pandemic in the light of social workers'

This article aims to present social results ofa quantitative study (CAWI interviews) conducted among social workers from local social welfare centres in the Wielkopolska region — the second largest firstlevel administrative unit in Poland in terms of area. The aim of the research was to diagnose and describe the main changes in the functioning of local social welfare centres during a pandemic COVID-19. The article analyzed social challenges in the face of intensification of existing ones or emergence of new social problems. The article also presented the opinions of social workers to organizational changes in local institutions. The results reveal the opinions of social workers to the social consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic in the context of emerging social problems and new categories of clients. In the light of analysis of the obtained data was also possible to show the impact of a pandemic on the mental well-being of social workers and indicated sources of stress for respondents and self-care strategies.

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Keywords: social work; social problems; social consequences of COVID-19; local social welfare centres



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