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Socio-demographic characteristics and the position of people with disabilities in the labour market in Poland in 2015–2022

The article investigates the position of people with disabilities in the open labour market in Poland. Its primary objective is to determine the demographic and social characteristics of people with disabilities that improve or worsen their position in the labour market. The analysis is based on LFS aggregate and individual data of a stock and flow nature from 2015–2022. The analysis shows that people with disabilities are in a worse situation on the labour market compared to the able-bodied people with respect to the rates of economic activity, employment and unemployment, as well as indicators of the likelihood of finding and losing a job. The non-parametric analysis indicates that in the group of people with disabilities women, rural residents, people aged 15–24, with basic vocational, primary and incomplete primary education and with a severe degree of disability are in the worst situation on the labour market. The econometric analysis confirms that people with disabilities aged 15–24 and with general secondary and basic vocational education were most likely to lose their jobs and outflow to unemployment. The highest chances of outflow from economic inactivity to employment have people with disabilities aged 15–24, with post-secondary, secondary and higher education as well as city dwellers.

Keywords: people with disabilities; unemployment; employment; inactivity



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