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DOI: 10.33226/0032-6186.2021.9.1
JEL: K31

Specific nature of the prohibition of discrimination based on disability under European Union labour law (remarks concerning the effects of the CJEU judgment in case C-16/19 VL v. Szpital Kliniczny im. dra J. Babińskiego in Kraków)

The elaboration is dedicated to the analysis of the EU Court of Justice judgment of 26 January 2021 in case C-16/19 VL v. Szpital Kliniczny im. dra J. Babińskiego in Kraków. CJEU was of the opinion that the concept of discrimination under the Directive 2000/78 may refer to less advantageous treatment within the group of employees with disabilities. The employer's decision to grant the allowance only to those employees who had submitted their disability certificates after the specific date may be discriminatory. In author's opinion, the interpretation made by the CJEU may have consequences that go beyond the dispute at stake. In the light of the ruling it seems that the Union concept of discrimination may cover the different treatment among individuals distinguished by the same protected characteristic.

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Keywords: Directive 2000/78; CJEU judgment in case C-16/19; disability; direct discrimination; indirect discrimination



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