Temporary reinstatement of the employee to work (Article 4772 para. 2 of the Polish Code of Civil Procedure)
The article concerns the first instance court's possibility - introduced from the November 7, 2019 - to impose on the employer in the judgment reinstatementing an employee to work, the obligation to continue to emploi an employee until the final termination of the proceedings on employee's request (Article 4772 para. 2 of the C.C.P.). Imposing this obligation is called by the authors "temporary reinstatement". The effect of temporary reinstatement to work is the rising again of the employment relationship with the same content as before its termination by the employer. The employment relationship thus created ceases expires in the moment of the final completion of the proceedings regarding the employee's claim for reinstatement to work or as a result of legal events provided for in the Labor Code. The authors approve this regulation and analyze the resulting legal problems and postulate the most frequent use of temporary reinstatement of employees by the courts as often as possible.
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