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DOI: 10.33226/0032-6186.2024.7.6
JEL: K31, K32

The impact of a medical certificate of contra-indications to work in a specific position on the content and durability of the employment relationship

According to the provision of Article 229 § 4 of the Labour Code, in case of a medical certificate of contraindication to work in a certain position, the employer is legally prohibited from allowing the employee to work. This is not the only legal consequence of a negative medical certificate, which may in fact become the cause of further measures concerning the content and durability of the contractual employment relationship. A certificate stating the existence of medical contraindications to work may also constitute a sufficient basis for the employer to terminate the employment relationship. On the other hand, psycho-physical incapacity to work may deprive the employee of the right to remuneration. Finally, a negative medical certificate may also justify the employer's interference in the content of the employment relationship with regard to the nature and extent of the work assigned. The purpose of this study is to identify, systematise and characterise the legal consequences of a negative medical certificate in the field of content and durability of the contractual employment relationship.

Keywords: preventive examinations; non-admission to work; employer's risk; right to remuneration; medical certificate; OHS



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