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DOI: 10.33226/0032-6186.2022.2.5
Tomasz Smoliński ORCID: 0000-0002-3540-3200 , e-mail: tomaszsmol|| |tomaszsmol|
Magdalena Tyska ORCID: 0000-0002-8600-9975 , e-mail: magdalena.tyska|| |magdalena.tyska|

The position of the judicature on pensions for the functionaries who serve "the totalitarian state"

This study aims to show the evolution of the pension entitlement in the jurisprudence of functionaries performing "service for the totalitarian state" after the introduction of controversial changes in 2017. The main thesis of the article, created on the basis of the presented position of the judicature, boils down to the statement that the abolition of retirement privileges of people taking up activity in the security apparatus of the People's Republic of Poland does not apply top-down to all beneficiaries. The analysis of the issue allows us to conclude that in the light of a democratic state ruled by law, the criterion of "service to a totalitarian state" should be determined on the basis of all the circumstances of the case of a given beneficiary, his individual acts and functions performed by him in order to finally recognize whether he violated his or her fundamental rights. And human freedom, and thus whether there are grounds for lowering the collected retirement benefits. The factual findings and interpretations presented in the information obtained from the Institute of National Remembrance as to the course of the service provided by the recipient do not de facto bind the court which has jurisdiction to consider the case on the basis of all the evidence gathered in the case.

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Keywords: service for a totalitarian state; pensions for officers of uniformed and special formations; information from the Institute of National Remembrance



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