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The role of the accessibility motion in enforcing the rights, freedoms and interests of persons with disabilities in employment

The aim of the study is to determine an answer to the fundamental question, whether the request for accessibility, regulated by the Act of 19th July 2019 on Granting Accessibility for Persons with Special Needs, may be submitted by the persons with disabilities who are employed by the entity responsible for providing accessibility. In answering the above mentioned question, it may be ascertained whether such persons may avail themselves of this remedy in order to enforce the legal protection afforded to persons with disabilities by the labour law in force. This requires to outline briefly the concept of accessibility and its importance for the protection of the rights and freedoms of persons with disabilities in the first place, and in the following order to try to define the role of the accessibility motion by establishing the relationship between it and the obligation imposed on specific entities. The study will then examine the scope of persons entitled to submit the motion, the list of entities responsible for examining it, the principles and possible ways for its implementation and the consequences of noncompliance. Finally, the conclusions of the discussions will be presented, supplemented by possible de lege ferenda requests.

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Keywords: accessibility; person with special needs; person with disabilities; removal of barriers; universal design; reasonable accommodations


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Uzasadnienie projektu ustawy o zapewnianiu dostępności osobom ze szczególnymi potrzebami, Sejm VIII kadencji, druk sejmowy nr 3579.

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