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The suspension of indexation of judges' remuneration in the light of the Constitution

The subject of this paper is the suspension of indexation of judges' remuneration, which is granted by virtue of law based on the law on organization of common courts. Judges are the only professional group in Poland whose right to fair remuneration is directly protected in the Constitution of the Republic of Poland, as one of the guarantees of judicial independence. Rules for remunerating judges were changed by the legislator three times in budget-related acts adopted in the years 2020–2022, which modified the general principles provided for in the Constitutional Act. The indicated above three-year legislative practice led to the creation of a mechanism for shaping salaries based on the discretion of the executive and legislative authorities, detached from objective factors. The aim of this paper is to answer the question whether the indicated mechanisms are constitutional and whether judges may have a claim to equalize remuneration to the level specified in the provisions of the constitutional laws despite the budgetary laws in force.

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Keywords: remuneration; judges; judicial independence; Constitution of the Republic of Poland; law on organization of common courts



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