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Analysis of problems and solutions for urban freight transport in Brazilian cities

This paper analyses problems and solutions of urban freight transport in six cities of different sizes and economic profile in the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The data were collected in commercial establishments and analyzed through descriptive statistics and using the method of successive intervals. The results obtained reflect the retailers' point of view and indicate that the problems and solutions are different in each city considered in this paper. The availability of unloading zones is the main problem in Betim, Belo Horizonte, Contagem and Itabira. The off-peak delivery is viewed as a solution in Divinópolis, Betim and Itabira. Therefore, with no possibility to determine a single remedy as a broad national solution to urban freight transport, it is instead necessary to investigate the realities of each city so that the policymakers could implement local solutions that reduce the externalities of urban freight transport.

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Keywords: urban freight transport; retailers; problems and solutions (miejski transport towarowy; detaliści; problemy i rozwiązania)



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