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Analysis of the functioning of the city bike-sharing system in Wrocław (Poland) in 2011–2018

The aim of the article is to analyze and evaluate the activity of one of the first bike-sharing system in Poland. The article describes the development of Wrocław City Bike (WRM) over the eight years of its existence. In the article were presented data on the number of stations and bikes available for rental in each of the spring and summer seasons in which it was possible to use city bikes. The description has been supplemented with an analysis of the functionality of the system based on a survey at the end of the last season. The purpose of the conducted surveys was also to collect user opinions on the functioning of WRM and its evaluation. The research was also supplemented with analyzes developed on the basis of the results of accompanying observations, which allowed to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the city bike-sharing system. The conclusions presented can be the basis for determining the conditions for the functioning of such systems in the future, both in Wrocław and in other cities

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Keywords: city bike; bike-sharing; mobility; city logistics



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Material Economy and Logistics 4/2020
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