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Assessment of the impact of the behavior of other road users on the delays of public transport buses

The article presents the results of research aimed at assessing the problematic phenomenon of failure to respect Art. 18 of the Traffic Law Act. In particular, attention was paid to the assessment of the impact of the behavior of other road users in the context of this provision on the delays of public buses. Apart from that research, the results of the research conducted among the drivers of the MZK Opole public transport buses were also presented. It was shown that the scale of the phenomenon is significant, which was confirmed by both road traffic studies and the opinion of bus drivers. On average, about 5% of the total travel time is the time the bus driver waits for the possibility of leaving the bus bay. It is wasted time and does not bring any added value to the service of passenger.

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Keywords: art. 18 of the Traffic Law Act; city logistics; public transport




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Olszak, P. (2017). Przemysław Olszak wyjaśnia istotę art. 18, (27.12.2020).

Sambor, A. (1999). Priorytety w ruchu dla pojazdów komunikacji miejskiej. Warszawa: Izba Gospodarcza Komunikacji Miejskiej.

Szołtysek, J. (2007). Podstawy logistyki miejskiej. Katowice: Wydawnictwo Akademii Ekonomicznej w Katowicach.


Akty prawne/Legal acts

Ustawa z 20 czerwca 1997 r. — Prawo o ruchu drogowym

Ustawa z 16 grudnia 2010 r. o publicznym transporcie zbiorowym

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