Automated vehicles in context of sustainable urban mobility
The article describes the issue of transport automation, which is one of the current trends in the development of vehicles and road infrastructure. The way to implement automated vehicles and then use fully autonomous vehicles has not yet been determined, but it can be assumed that they will provide a solution supporting sustainable mobility — especially within cities and urban agglomerations. It will be possible thanks to reaching a compromise between economic, social and environmental goals, characteristic for sustainable mobility. The implementation of new concepts in the field of mobility on demand, vehicle sharing and rental, combined with transport automation, should result in reducing traffic congestion and lowering the emission of harmful exhaust components. The models for the delivery of goods that can take place at night may also change, which may improve the use of the fleet of vehicles, road and warehouse infrastructure. Selected properties of automated and autonomous vehicles can be used to support the demands of sustainable mobility.
The study was aimed at characterizing the issues related to the autonomy of road transport. Aspects of urban mobility were presented, as well as examples of vehicles that are currently being tested in real conditions.
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