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DOI: 10.33226/1231-2037.2020.2.6
JEL: M210
Tomasz Surmacz ORCID: 0000-0001-7086-1322 , e-mail: toms|| |toms|

Building intra-organizational ties in the opinion of companies from automobile industry

Nowadays, companies have to try to create adaptive network
structures to survive on a competitive market. There is a
number of studies confirming the benefits of a collaborative
approach within supply chains. At the same time, most
companies have difficulties in building such supply chains.
This is particularly true for small and medium-sized

companies. The article addresses the subject of inter-
organizational relations and the assessment of selected

elements of cooperation among companies in the automotive
industry. Selected factors shaping relationships in chains in
the opinion of entrepreneurs are presented.

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Keywords: intra-organizational ties; supply chain; collaboration


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