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Carriage of oversize loads in special transport vehicles

The main goal of the authors of this publication is to analyse and evaluate the approach to the management of oversize loads in special transport vehicles. The analysis was made with regard to heavy and oversized transportation in Poland against the background of barriers and stimulants for heavy and oversized transportation in the European Union. The reasoning of the arguments is also to verify the research hypothesis: "Optimization of the management of oversize loads in special transport vehicles is possible thanks to a comprehensive platform for registering such shipments, applying for a permission to operate on roads, determining the route, monitoring carriers, as well as through permanent improvement of communication between public administration units". In this publication: oversize loads and special transport vehicles were defined and roughly classified; the place of heavy and oversized transportation was presented and requirements related to the movement of special transport vehicles were indicated; the approach to managing oversize loads in special transport vehicles in Poland was characterized; barriers and stimulants for the development of heavy and oversized transportation were diagnosed; as for heavy and oversized transportation in special transport vehicles in Poland, modifications were proposed.

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Keywords: oversize loads; special transport vehicles; transport; shipping




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