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DOI: 10.33226/1231-2037.2022.6.1
JEL: I30, H12, M11, O32

Directions of modification of supply chain management in the perspective of the future

The aim of the article is to assess the condition and indicate future transformations of international supply chains. The method of analysis and critical assessment of the state as well as a projection of changes in the studied field were used. The COVID-19 pandemic and the military aggression against Ukraine should be considered a major turning point that changes the way people think about shaping and managing international supply chains. The current standard of their management, based on a parasitic pursuit of often undue financial surplus, should be redefined. It is postulated to strive for the formation of symbiotic chains of relationship management that contribute to the socio-economic modernization of less developed countries. To be also expect projects to build a greater degree of resilience of these chains by less stringent treatment of the need to lean the chains and to a greater degree to green them. When also aiming to reduce economic risk, the length of transport corridors should be expected to be minimized, which means the geographical relocation of companies forming supply chains.

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Keywords: supply chains; management goals; supply chain models; new supply chain organization and management



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