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DOI: 10.33226/1231-2037.2022.5.3
JEL: L10, L19, M10, M19
Iwona Pisz ORCID: 0000-0001-6079-3178 , e-mail: ipisz|| |ipisz|

Improving logistics processes according to the DMAIC methodology

Contemporary organizations, that are operating in a competitive, global market observe a significant increase of interest in the issues of quality management, initially in products and services, and in the consequence in the management systems, which results in the development of new methods of quality improvement in organizations. This process is determined by increasing emphasis on reducing production costs and generating savings combined with the reduction of unnecessary costs. As a result, advantageous conditions were created for the development of new quality management methods, such as: Six Sigma, Lean Manufacturing and Kaizen, which are widespread in many organizations, especially in enterprises of various industries and business profiles around the world. The article presents a selected concept of the improvement of logistics processes according to the DMAIC methodology in theoretical and practical terms. The aim of the article is to present the possibility of a practical application of the process improvement concept according to the DMAIC methodology, heading to reducing the value of production scrap in an enterprise that produces window fittings.

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Keywords: lean; Lean Manufacturing; production; Six Sigma; DMAIC; process improvement



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