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DOI: 10.33226/1231-2037.2022.10.1
JEL: Z30, Z31, Z33

Increasing resilience strategies for supply chains in tourism

As a result of pandemic COVID-19, the increasing resilience has become the priority for most global supply chains. Despite of many studies and analyses concerning the resilience of international supply chains in industry and trade after pandemic COVID-19, there is cognitive gap concerning resilience in touristic supply chains. Therefore the main aim of the paper is identification the structure as well as essence of touristic supply chains management concept. Based on the idea of touristic supply chain the expected utility of six major strategies to build greater resilience in industry and trade will be preliminary analysed from the tourism activity perspective. The methodology of the paper is mainly based on literature review, logical analysis as well as participant observation. Therefore the conclusions as a result of logical deduction should be additionally verified by further empirical research.

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Keywords: supply chain management; supply chains in tourism; increasing resilience; COVID-19 pandemic



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