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DOI: 10.33226/1231-2037.2022.1.2
JEL: L9, O18, R33

Location of the company's warehouse space — planning and object selection

The issue of the location of enterprises is one of the key issues in the field of enterprise sciences. The choice of location is therefore an important part of strategic management. For this reason, the decision on the location should be prepared extremely carefully. The issue of the location of logistics facilities is discussed relatively rarely. It is also a relatively new issue and still poorly researched. The aim of the article is to present the procedure for planning and implementing the decision on the location of new warehouse space for an enterprise. It also includes considerations about the choice of various types of warehouse investments, resulting from the activity of developers and optimization of the facility's operating costs. The whole is based on the current knowledge about the state and development trends of the warehouse market in Poland.

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Keywords: warehouses; location; planning; choice of object



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