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Logistic customer service in the light of theoretical foundations

Logistic customer service, especially in the area of e-commerce, is evolving significantly. A few years ago, the delivery could be made within a few days of purchase, now the optimal time is 24–48 hours. It is therefore necessary for entities operating in the field of e-commerce to cooperate with the company or courier companies that are able to carry out these deliveries. Today, cooperation between business entities, institutions and individuals takes on a completely new dimension. Developed relationships and trust, as well as the possibility of sharing resources or creating new solutions, are becoming more and more important. The ongoing transfer of knowledge, information, capital and human resources makes it worth referring to the concept and theory of economic sciences in this area. When creating a logistic service process, one should look for such a combination of resources that will most effectively meet the growing expectations of customers. Thus, their skillful use, not just having, is of undoubted value.

The aim of this article is to show the important role of logistic customer service in e-commerce and to present it in the light of theoretical foundations: resource theory, transaction cost theory, behavioral economics and the sharing economy. Literature sources were used in the study. The considerations made it possible to define the role of the foundations of economic theories as the building blocks of the competitive position of e-enterprises.

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Keywords: logistic customer service; e-commerce; behavioral economics; sharing economy




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