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DOI: 10.33226/1231-2037.2024.3.1
JEL: J24, L14, M12, M54

Logistics competencies in the theory, research and practice of functioning of supply chains (part 1)

The article concerns logistics competencies in the theory, research and practice of functioning of supply chains. The publication is divided into two parts. The author, in the course of theoretical arguments (Logistics competencies in the theory, research and practice of functioning of supply chains – part 1) supplemented with the results of empirical research (Logistics competencies in the theory, research and practice of functioning of supply chains – part 2), assumes that that logistics competencies are the most valuable resource at both the micro- and meta-logistics levels. Some of the theoretical considerations focus on highlighting logistics competencies as one of the most important types of conditions for the functioning of supply chains. Competencies are viewed from two perspectives: competencies of supply chains and competencies of logistics staff. The empirical part of the publication reviews research on logistics competencies considered from the perspective of supply chain management. Based on the author's research, logistics HR competences useful in management at the levels of micro- and metalogistics were identified.

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Keywords: competencies; competencies of logistics staff; competencies of supply chains; supply chain; logistics staff



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