Logistics Performance Index as a measure of Poland's position in the international logistics system
The increase in the importance of logistics in economic processes in recent years has significantly influenced the perception of the broadly defined transport system and its efficiency as an element of the logistics system, based on which processes in supply chains are implemented or logistics networks are developed. A synthetic measure of the logistics efficiency of economies has become the LPI — Logistics Performance Index created by the World Bank. It aims, among other things, to indicate how the TSL industry (transport–shipping–logistics) influences the economy of individual regions, including how strongly it is connected with trade development and export diversification, and how internationalised logistics processes influence regional development. Taking into account the methodology of its creation and the surveyed target group, as well as its cyclicality and invariability of the input data and the possibility of comparisons, it should be pointed out that it reflects the situation and trends in the TSL sector worldwide and in individual economies. The aim of the paper is to indicate the logistic attractiveness of Poland, based on the LPI index, as an important factor of expansion and location of logistic infrastructure investments (linear and point) and to show how both the position of Poland and the value of individual components of the Polish index changed over the years and how it influenced the changes on the TSL market in Poland. The data is based on the values of the index from 2007 to 2018. The considerations are based on the interpretation of individual components of the index using comparative analysis, indicating recommendations and conclusions on the impact of changes in the ranking and LPI values for Poland.
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Strony internetowe/Websites
https://wb-lpi-media.s3.amazonaws.com (2.02.2021)
https://lpi.worldbank.org (20.05.2021)