Logistyka zwrotna a pozycja konkurencyjna łańcucha dostaw
Global companies have to face new challenges and problems. The efficient management of different logistics activities needs to be seen as a strategic chance. Reverse logistics - when perceived as value-added service - can surely be a source of firms' competitive advantage. It is the field which is gaining still new interest and thanks to the potential profits, it is worthy of a deep analysis. The article defines the term "reverse logistics" and presents the costs of reverse logistics. It also refers to the growing interest of this business activity and shows the key processes of the efficient reverse logistics' management. Moreover, the development of this field is driven by the implementation of new law, rules, regulations and by the revolutionary IT solutions or technologies. On the other hand, there are also problems that make the reverse flows difficult to manage. Finally, practical examples presented in the article show that global players use reverse logistics as a chance of gaining loyal customers, building long-term business relations and strengthening their market position. Current and important terms like "social responsibility" and "sustainable development" are also embodied in the field of reverse logistics which guarantees social support for reverse flows.