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DOI: 10.33226/1231-2037.2020.2.2
JEL: L21, L91, L98

Roles of stakeholders in multimodal transport development in the light of the research results within the ChemMultimodal Project

The aim of the article is to identify and define the roles of
the main stakeholders that influence the development of
multimodal freight transport. The conclusions are based on
the results of the ChemMultimodal Project implemented in
2016–2019 in the Central Europe region. The Project team
used quantitative and qualitative research methods: survey,
in-depth individual interviews and case studies. The
research findings on the example of the chemical industry
led to the conclusion of the need for a holistic approach in
the pursuit of increasing the significance of multimodality in
cargo transportation. It requires integration of strategies,
objectives and activities of key stakeholders. These
stakeholders include: institutions that define strategies and
regulations in the field of transport policy, plan and finance
investments at the EU, national and regional level, links of
supply chains, manufacturing and trade companies, logistics
service providers as well as clusters and chambers of

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Keywords: sustainable development; stakeholders; multimodal transport; transport policy; carbon footprint


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Material Economy and Logistics 2/2020
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