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DOI: 10.33226/1231-2037.2022.12.1
JEL: R41
Renata Stefaniak ORCID: 0000-0003-1243-5194 , e-mail: renatas85|| |renatas85|

Safety in road traffic — selected aspects of safety on Polish roads

The article presents the subject matter of safety in road traffic in Poland in the aspects selected by the authors. The research objective of the study was to identify, analyse and evaluate road safety in Poland. A review of the literature, i.e. books and scientific articles, as well as analysis of statistical data from the Polish Border Guard Headquarters in Warsaw, the National Police Headquarters in Warsaw and the Central Statistical Office were used to examine the problem matter. The status of road safety depends on numerous factors: the article analyses road accidents that occurred in specific months, days of the week and times of the day and considers alcohol intoxication of road users. The authors emphasize that one of the most essential problems that Poland faces today is low level of road safety. This may be for two reasons. First of all, there is an increase in the number of passenger cars, trucks, and tractor units. Secondly, the pace of road infrastructure improvement is insufficient.

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Keywords: transport; safety; evaluation; passenger; road accidents


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