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DOI: 10.33226/1231-2037.2020.4.2
JEL: L870, M 21, O33, R4

Sharing economy in activity logistics services providers

Technology and general trends on the market of logistics services indicate that the development potential of logistics services providers is not in the possesion of resources but in their sharing. This enforces the necessity to revise business models and approach to resource issues and limit investment plans. An opportunity for development and, hence, success, will have those logistics services providers who will take action towards cooperation, outsourcing and business partnership. The article presents the concept of sharing and the possibility of its implementation by logistics services providers and the attempt to answer whether business models of logistics service providers will be created around logistics processes that take into account the sharing economy.

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Keywords: sharing economy; access economy; new business models; digital technology



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Material Economy and Logistics 4/2020
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